Welcome to the Sport Integrity Commission

Building integrity together

The Code of Integrity for Sport and Recreation (Integrity Code) is a key tool to help enhance integrity across sport and recreation in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Integrity Code sets consistent standards to prevent and address threats to integrity — including what is expected of sport and recreation organisations and participants.

Organisations that adopt the Integrity Code commit to protecting participants from harm, making sport and recreation safer and fairer for us all.

Read about the Integrity Code

Safeguarding and protecting children and young people

Keep children and young people, and yourself, safe when taking part in sport and recreation activities.

Learn more

Making a complaint

We all have a right to sport and recreation activities that are safe and fair. Reporting integrity issues or concerns is one way you can help make sure that everyone in sport and recreation is kept free from harm. This service is free, confidential and has no obligation.

Make a complaint


Want to protect participants from discrimination? Need to safety check a new volunteer? Looking for info on your anti-doping rights or responsibilities? Find the learning tools you need, from in-person workshops to quick-start micro-learning modules.

Explore education opportunities

Making sport and recreation safer and fairer